Marceline, Missouri – The Boyhood Home of Walt Disney

One of the first engineering reports I reviewed for my work, which was almost seven years ago, mentioned that Marceline was where Walt Disney grew up and that they had a museum and a few other sites to see that talked about his life growing up there.  I told my sister about it and we had always planned to visit it.


This past spring my sister came down from Michigan with three of her boys to visit me here in Missouri.  Adam, who is fifteen, absolutely loves Walt Disney.  So we decided to drive up there and check it out, as we are always looking for new things to see and do in Missouri and we figured that he would enjoy seeing where his idol grew up.


The museum was great.  It was in an old train depot that was remodeled into what it looked like when Walt Disney arrived when he was a boy.  The trains still pass by the building, but they no longer stop.  The museum talked about the town and talked about Walt Disney’s life growing up, explained about his dreaming tree, had a model setup of Disney Land and even had a desk that he had carved his initials in while a student there.  They also had a small gift shop with different Disney items.





You could also go see Walt Disney’s dreaming tree, on his old homestead, which is where he sat and dreamed up ideas.  Sadly the tree was struck by lightning, but as you can see parts of it are still there.



There is also an old wooden barn setup on the property that you can go see.  All in all if you want to learn about Walt Disney and his influence on Marceline I definitely recommend visiting.


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